We are naturally equipped to achieve our goals.


I became a coach after my own “unbecoming”. In my late 30s, I started to see how disconnected I had become with my true values.

Through a ton of personal work, I broke through old patterns and habits. I saw how much lifelong programming had been dictating my life. I reconnected with my body in a way that enabled me to support my optimal health.

I started living in alignment with my values and passions.

We already have what it takes to experience life in a way that is authentic and fulfilling. Amidst all the noise, our Truth can prevail.

My goal is to reconnect you with your Truth so you are empowered to own and relish your life.



We don't need to overcomplicate things.


I started (and ended) my corporate career in finance. I spent most of my time in digital media and tech, including at companies like Sony and Twitter (RIP).

I have a BS from US Berkeley's Haas School of Business and MBA from The University of Chicago's Booth School of Business.

When I knew I would transition into personal coaching, I enrolled in IIN's health coaching program and followed with Creative Mind University's Jungian life coaching program.

I found that I am fascinated with neuroscience and am currently studying with The Brain Academy.



We can all use a little more compassion.


I am a recovering good girl. I spent years people pleasing, and that existence limited my world. When I went through my process of unbecoming, I decided that I am done playing small.

I live in Marin County with my partner, our two children, and our Golden Doodle (because I'm pretty sure it's required in order to live where we do).